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Water Filteration.

Clean Water.

Drink Water Straight from the Ocean.

About Nure

At Nure, our vision is to help everyone live their best, and happiest life. We've taken a specific interest in helping those who suffer from water scarcity, which accounts for up to 2.7 billion people worldwide. â€‹


Nure is taking a new approach to filtration, where instead of using Reverse Osmosis to allow for the filtration to occur, we are leveraging Glass - Fiber Membranes. Recent and promising research shows that these membranes will be more efficient and a cheaper alternative to current methods.


Using these new technologies, Nure's goal is to provide a constant source of water for 1 billion people that are suffering as a result of a scarcity of water by 2031.

About Nure
Our Approach

Our Approach

Graphene Oxide

This used for filtration due to its uniform shaping in hexagon ties. Using the layers of Graphite Oxide, water can be carried with capillary action, while the salt ions are blocked from entering.

Creating the Filter

To create the filters, layers of Graphite Oxide are placed on top of one another. There is space between the layer just large enough for water to flow through. The filter can erode over time so we use epoxy to keep the bonds strong.

Layer Formation

To create the Graphite Oxide layers, we will utilize Hummer’s Method. This is a chemical process that can be used to generate graphite oxide through the addition of potassium permanganate.

Glass - Fiber Membranes

The full filtration process containing Graphene is expensive, so we decided to pair it with glass - fiber membranes. These are very low-cost membranes that consist of a non-woven network of glass fibers.

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